Enlightening Your Attention
Nov 14th, 2014

Shri Mataji
So the attention becomes enlightened after realisation. You pay attention to anything, it works. It does work, no doubt; you try. Those who have got realisation should try this. Try your attention, but attention has to be pure. You have to purify your attention, and the best way to purify it is to keep your Agnya Chakra open. When this centre is open which is the centre of Christ, which I have shown that it can only open through the Lord’s Prayer after realisation, when you open that, then you are in that state where your attention is divine.
And you’ll be amazed how things work out, even the smallest things, the material things, the useless things and the great things, and the subtle and subtlest, and how you start growing. So the growth is to be achieved by purifying your attention, and to purify this attention is to keep your Agnya Chakra open and be in thoughtless awareness. You watch something; you don’t think about it. Zen said the same thing but I think people didn’t understand, you see. Before realisation it’s like telling about colours to a blind man. Zen said the same thing; you watch a thing without thinking about it. They created patterns which didn’t mean anything, which you see it without thinking. But that’s only possible after realization. So the thinking process minimizes and you start witnessing.
Shri Mataji, 1981