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Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

So the attention becomes enlightened after realisation. You pay attention to anything, it works. It does work, no doubt; you try. Those who have got realisation should try this. Try your attention, but attention has to be pure. You have to purify your attention, and the best way to purify it is to keep your Agnya Chakra open. When this centre is open which is the centre of Christ, which I have shown that it can only open through the Lord’s Prayer after realisation, when you open that, then you are in that state where your attention is divine.

And you’ll be amazed how things work out, even the smallest things, the material things, the useless things and the great things, and the subtle and subtlest, and how you start growing. So the growth is to be achieved by purifying your attention, and to purify this attention is to keep your Agnya Chakra open and be in thoughtless awareness. You watch something; you don’t think about it. Zen said the same thing but I think people didn’t understand, you see. Before realisation it’s like telling about colours to a blind man. Zen said the same thing; you watch a thing without thinking about it. They created patterns which didn’t mean anything, which you see it without thinking. But that’s only possible after realization. So the thinking process minimizes and you start witnessing.

Shri Mataji, 1981

Just Hold On


It was probably April 1990. Shri Mataji had come to Australia that year, and She was flying from Sydney to Canberra. I decided to also fly to Canberra so I could attend the programme there. Without realising how it happened I found myself right behind Shri Mataji, boarding the domestic flight from the tarmac. We were walking up the portable steps and I found I was directly behind Shri Mataji.

I had my hand on the handrail and saw that a thread of Shri Mataji’s sari had caught on it; it was a red thread. My first response was to take hold of this thread so it wouldn’t pull or tear her sari. So I held the thread in my left hand, and looked up to Shri Mataji to see if Her sari was ok. When I looked back down at the thread, it had disappeared from my hand.

At that moment I realised it was something symbolic – Shri Mataji was just saying, “Hold on to this thread of my sari, just hold on.”

Sandhya Dara

From: Eternally Inspiring Recollections of Our Holy Mother. Vol 4 – Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. Pune, India: Nirmal Transformation, 2007. P 27. 

Sahaja Yoga will have a stall at the Deepavali Fair to be held at the Parramatta Stadium on 11 October 2009. Realisation sessions will be provided, as well as performances of Sahaja Yoga music.
The Deepavali Fair is held as part of the Indian Festival of Lights.

Where:  Parramatta Stadium

When:  11 October 2009 from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm.


Diwali lights

Diwali lights

The lights of your heart together make a greater light for the world to move in a proper direction.

It’s a day of great joy, and those who join in this, are spreading also great joy.

But the problems are there, as they say, but for us there is no problem because there is no darkness. We don’t see any darkness anywhere. We see lights, and lights, and lights.

Then what is the thing missing? Missing is our sincerity. We have to be very sincere with ourselves, because it is not just a borrowed love or borrowed joy, but it is from within the source. It’s flowing and flowing and flowing.

So that is to be awakened, and that love should flow, and our small petty things like jealousies and competitions and all those things which spoil us must be washed away. And it can be washed if your heart is full of love.

Today is a day of spreading that light of love, so that everybody feels enlightened and happy and forgets these petty problems.

I am happy that you have been able to get some hall. It’s all luck that we got it. People were so much worried about getting a hall. But it had just happened. So you should know also that our destiny is all also guided and looked after. You are already blessed people; there is no doubt about it. And we should not worry about small things and small matters. It will all work out very well, you will see, if you just leave it to your destiny, which is very high, very great – in this your own destiny you will go very far.

This is the Promise of Diwali to you all, that you will reach the highest and the noblest way of life. Every word I say will be there to prove what I say is there.

Whatever petty problems you have, they’ll all be washed off. All these are the messages from the Divine. You don’t have to worry about petty things, about money, about jobs. That’s not your job. Your destiny will work it out.

You have a promise that you’ll be looked after. I hope you believe in that promise and are joyous in the highest way. I bless you all from my heart, all of you, for a very happy and prosperous Diwali.

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, Diwali 2003

(Photograph: indianfestivals.info)

Divine Power

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

The truth is that this Divine Power is compassion, is love. This is the truth. They say God is love and God is truth, so the equation has to be made that truth is love and love is truth. But it is not a truth as you have for your own children, you have for your family – attached. Attached love is not truth. If you are attached to somebody, then you will never see the bad points of that person. If you are angry with somebody, then you can never see the good points of that person. But it is a complete, detached love and that love is extremely powerful because whenever you project that love to anyone, you will be surprised. The problems of that person will be solved. His personality will improve. Everything will work out in a very big way and his life will be changed….

To be detached in no way means you do not feel the other person. You do feel him. You feel the agony of that person, the trouble of that person, of the whole society sometimes and of the whole country, but your feeling is so detached that the All-pervading Power takes over. First we must have full faith in the capability of this All-pervading Power. As soon as you are detached, you say, “You do it….” The whole thing changes completely because you transfer all your responsibilities, all your problems to this Divine Power which is so powerful, which is so capable, which can work out anything.

Shri Mataji, 1998

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