Self Knowledge Is the Key
Nov 14th, 2014

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga
Today when you see the whole world is busy fighting and they are trying to protect people from wars and creating great, huge, protecting instruments, the whole world seems to be in a mad race of killing each other, of destroying each other, of competition, ambition, leading to fighting and then to greater wars. They’re fighting for a piece of land. So ignorant they are. Can you carry even a pinch of this land with you when you die?
 When you are born, you come with closed fists. And when you die, you go with open hands. What do you take with you? All right, you may not like to take anything, but do you enjoy whatever you think is so great, for which you are fighting? Why is this fighting going on among all nonsensical people? It’s surprising how people give up their peace, give up their understanding when it comes to a piece of land. And the whole thing has moved into a very wrong direction and is going toward complete destruction.
This is the thing that has made human beings so much suffering because of all their ignorance, by which they have all those habits, all those attractions, all those identifications…. They have to take to sense and … to their self knowledge.
Self knowledge is the key for a saviour to give to people. We have had so many saints. We have had so many Sufis. We had Tao people. We had Zen people. All kinds of realised souls came on this Earth.  They all suffered. They were tortured. Nobody understood them. But now the time has come for you to know the truth, but truth which is not dry, truth which has compassion, truth that encompasses everyone, that brings the complete view of our existence. Why are we here on this Earth? What is our purpose? What should we do? Adi Shakti’s powers are such, of love and compassion, that they make you understand your Self first.
Love, for you, is very, very limited. There’s no awareness of your own being. Just imagine what a great task it is for you, how much you have to be seriously becoming aware of your Self first.
That is extremely important. First you have to be aware of your Self. And now you have the light of your spirit. In the light of that spirit, you can see what you are and you can see how far you are going, how wrong things you are doing, what harm you are doing to yourself and you have a power to cure it, to improve it and to come to your senses.
Shri Mataji, 2001